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Be That Guy

Patrick Van Hull

Supply Chain Storyteller - Be That Guy

My friend Matt pulled me aside after our then-company played a series of short videos honoring our outgoing leader, friend, and mentor, Kevin. In my video clip, I told how I met Kevin at a Dunkin Donuts in Foxboro, Massachusetts, adding a quip about the meeting being “part of my interview process… or whatever that was.” That line drew genuine laughs because the company had a reputation for being a bit, let's say, informal at times.

At that moment, next to the bar before the dance party part of the evening began, Matt told me how well I did in my part of the video and shared some simple advice for how to approach whatever I do in the future, referencing how I came across in the clip. “Be that guy.”

I’ve always appreciated a good story, but Matt’s advice cemented for me the potential for authentic storytelling to leave an indelible impression. Much like that advice, keep it simple, straightforward, and on topic. Be honest and vulnerable, even if that’s sometimes unpolished.

I took that perspective when I started trying to figure out what this next phase of work would look like for me. I reached out to many people and set up agenda-free conversations. It was so much fun to hear people’s stories and fascinating questions.

I didn’t set out for those conversations to be pick-me-ups, but the kind, thoughtful advice, and comments helped me realize the impression I’d made on others throughout my career. That’s not a stand on the table, beat my chest, and yell, look at me thing.

It’s a reflection that I have this opportunity to connect with others and not just tell them my story but help them tell theirs. As one of those I chatted with told me, it’s my chance to live the adage, “The Purpose of Life Is to Discover Your Gift. The Meaning of Life Is to Give Your Gift Away.”

That’s since become one of the driving points behind Supply Chain Storyteller, combining the belief that everything is part of a supply chain and a genuine fascination for how stories connect and weave together. Like an origin story, or any book or movie, the idea is that the broader plotline comes to life with the proper series of stories and themes.

With that in mind, being that guy means connecting the dots with context to empower supply chains and the resulting products and services with a life beyond features and functions. To better understand what that means, I look forward to sharing more stories about how stories and experiences shaped my perspective and what that means today.

About the Author

Patrick Van Hull

Chief Storyteller at Supply Chain Storyteller

Let’s chat when you’re ready to start learning together. Book a call with me

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